Silver Fountain Inn & Tea ParlorDover, NH, United States

2024 Christmas Tea

By Family Builders (other events)

Friday, November 22 2024 5:30 PM 8:00 PM EDT

As the holiday season approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activities. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, our schedules fill up quickly with family gatherings, shopping lists, and festive preparations. There are turkeys to buy, pumpkin pies to bake, Christmas cards to send, and presents to wrap. In the midst of this busyness, how do we keep our hearts and minds centered on Christ—the true reason for the season?

Intentionally pausing, taking a deep breath, and reflecting on God’s steadfast love is the answer. Before the rush begins, it’s vital to remind ourselves of the One who gives meaning to all our celebrations.

We invite you to step away from the holiday hustle and join us on November 22nd for the Family Builders Annual Christmas Tea, featuring inspiring speakers Sharon Gamble and Sherry Schumann. Together, we will dive deep into the stories of two ordinary yet extraordinary women, Elizabeth and Mary, whose lives were forever transformed by their willingness to trust and obey God.

Elizabeth, in her patience and faith, reminds us that even in waiting, God’s love remains unwavering. Mary, in her courageous "Yes" to God’s call, teaches us that embracing His will—especially during uncertainty—brings us closer to His divine purpose. Their stories are not just part of the Christmas narrative; they offer profound lessons on how we can experience God’s presence and steadfast love in our everyday lives, even when life feels chaotic and overwhelming.

As we reflect on these biblical examples, we are reminded of God’s promise: "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." —Lamentations 3:22-23

Just as Elizabeth and Mary found strength and peace in God’s unwavering love, we too can find rest and renewal in His presence. This Christmas season, let’s make space for quiet moments with the Lord, allowing His steadfast love to fill our hearts and guide our steps.

Join us for an evening of reflection, fellowship, and encouragement as we prepare to enter the holiday season with hearts fully attuned to the true gift of Christmas—God’s steadfast love.


COVID-19 Policy

Stay home if you are ill on the day of the tea. Seek and follow the advice of medical professionals.

Follow the directions of event hosts.

Contact Family Builders if you have any questions or concerns.

Please remember that the responsibility for protecting yourself and others against COVID-19 exposure rests solely with you.

Family Builders

Mailing Address

PO Box 321 Durham, NH 03824